The icon of the Kalahari / Die ikoon van die Kalahari

Described by the San people of the Kalahari as ‘The tree of Life’. There are many animals, birds and plants that can be considered unique to the Kalahari, but one that rises above all would be the Camel Thorn Tree. These trees are more than just magnificent, they play a very important role in the entire ecosystem and here is how!


Camel thorn trees can grow up to 56 feet in height and can age to anything from 250 to 300 years. To support this height and age, camel thorn tree’s roots can reach up to a depth of almost 200 feet below the ground. These roots also ensures that the tree grows sustainably through droughts.

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Providing sanctuary

Shade is a surviving factor in the Kalahari dessert as all types of animals require it to help them regulate their body temperatures. Antelope, predators and birds rest under the shade and reptiles are prevented from being scorched to death. Standing in the thick shade of a camel thorn can lower the temperature at the heat of the day from high forties or even fifty degrees Celsius by a few degrees.

Springbuck / Springbok under ‘n Camel Thorn Tree / Kameeldoringboom


The camel thorn tree provides three main sources of food to a variety of different animals: leaves, flowers, and fruit. The leaves remain green for most of the year which ensures a rich diet for browsers such as giraffe. The fallen fruit are almost immediately picked up by grazers of all kind such as Elands, Oryx etc. Many farmers also rely on these nutritious fruit during extreme droughts to feed cattle. The fruit are somewhat elongated, with dark oval seeds, a light flesh and a somewhat hairy skin.

Blooming Camel Thorn Tree / Kameeldoringboom wat blom

Flowers and birds

Flowers are only produced at approximately ten years of age for a camel thorn tree. These flowers emit a sweet aroma that attracts insects and sunbirds to guarantee pollination.

Birds also prefer to nest in large camel thorn trees as its thorns provide some protection and even thin branches can hold the weight of the nest. A good example is sociable Weavers that build an entire colony in a singel camel thorn tree. See how here!

Human Uses

Other than supporting wildlife, camel thorn trees can be used to make porridge and coffee! Ground pods are used to make a porridge by being cooked in boiling water. The coffee is made from the seeds that are roasted and filtered in boiling water. Other uses include fence posts, fuel for fires and housing silk worms for the production of silk.

Medical uses include using the powdery pods for ear infections, the roots to treat toothache and it is believed that its burnt bark relieves headaches.

The Camel Thorn Tree is a symbol of sanctuary for all the inhabitants of the Kalahari dessert. Be it for rest, food, medicine or safety. It can be seen as a pillar of the community of wildlife – an icon of the Kalahari Dessert.

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