Tagged: Kalahari


Have you ever wondered where, when and how giraffe?!

Giraffes have unique adaptations as opposed to their closest relatives, cows and okapis. With their long necks, giraffe hearts pump approximately two meters up to have blood reach their brains. In a giraffe’s body there are three great challenges to their anatomy:


Have you ever seen a baby giraffe this cute?

So what makes baby giraffes so cute? Is it the huge eyes? The elegant eyelashes? The way they move in slow motion even whilst being playful? All of the above. This picture was taken on my way home after a long day and the baby giraffe had me admiring him for quite some time. His playfulness, tiny spots and curiousness was something that seemed blessed only to me. On a previous expedition, I had the privilege of encountering two baby giraffe being quite close with each other. Baby giraffe usually stay with the herd. If they are male they will...


Six basic tips for bird watching

Birds hold two concert celebrations of a day in the kalahari: morning and evening.The Kalahari has a remarkable abundance of bird species even though it is a semi-dessert. Since it is a semi-dessert there are a few basic tips one can do to ensure your spot list does not stop at vultures. 1. The early human catches the bird! Prime time to see nearly all bird species are at dawn and dusk. Winter or summer, at noon the whole of the Kalahari are usually enjoying a siesta. Birds tend to be going around looking for worms and seeds during this...