Six basic tips for bird watching

Birds hold two concert celebrations of a day in the kalahari: morning and evening.The Kalahari has a remarkable abundance of bird species even though it is a semi-dessert. Since it is a semi-dessert there are a few basic tips one can do to ensure your spot list does not stop at vultures.

1. The early human catches the bird!

Prime time to see nearly all bird species are at dawn and dusk. Winter or summer, at noon the whole of the Kalahari are usually enjoying a siesta. Birds tend to be going around looking for worms and seeds during this time.

2. The secret to the spot is patience

Any watering hole or pond is bound to have a flock of birds as water is extremely scarce in the Kalahari. Finding a good secluded watering hole is not the difficult part. The secret to the soup is patience. Various Kalahari bird species are very shy of movement and will not land to drink or perch unless there is no movement. For example, the Namaqua Sandgrouse will arrive in a large flock of birds and will only sit if the coast is completely clear and then only for a few seconds: drinking and storing water in specialized feathers to take to the nest.

Bird watching in the Kalahari: Namaqua Sandgrouse
The Namaqua Sandgrouse Photo credits: Die Kalahari

3. Tune in

Often birds are heard before they are seen. Studying some content of birds commonly found in the Kalahari can help by keeping an eye out for the bird species that is being heard.

4. Bird guides

Various bird guides used are electronic which can be very helpful especially with identifying birds by their song. However, sitting in the middle of nowhere with all these unidentified bird species and no reception can be a headache. It is best to download a bird guide that you can read offline or to purchase the old-fashioned hard copy. Many guest farms usually have hard copy bird guides available to borrow, but some people prefer making notes in their guides.

5. Equipment

Every hobby has its necessities. To successfully bird watch in the Kalahari a good pair of binoculars are essential! There are other items that adds to the joy of the experience like comfortable shoes, a hat, sunscreen, notebook and pen, camera and flags to mark pages.

However, for a hobby where the senses are very important, being able to see better is a huge plus.

Speaking of senses, the dry Kalahari air may warrant thirst so it is important to have a proper water bottle as well.

For a guide to suitable binoculars to use please see the Audubon guide.

6. If you feed them, they will come

Having some seeds to scatter close to the water area is a sure help in attracting various bird species. Despite the surprising abundance of life found in the Kalahari Desert, a free meal will never be passed by.

Six basic tips to help any and all travelers in the Kalahari Desert enjoy the abundant bird life!

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