Category: Plants


Weet jy van die Gemsbokkomkommer?

Die Kalahari woestyn beskik oor ‘n baie groot verskeidenheid plantegroei wat al vir jare gebruik word deur mense en diere om te kan oorleef. ‘n Gemsbokkomkommer is sekerlik een van die ‘gesondste’ plante in terme van wat dit aanbied vir sy vreters soos, ‘n bron van proteine, vog, medisyne, skoonheid sorg en vermaak. Dit is belangrik om hierdie eienskappe te evalueer en te probeer verstaan hoekom hierdie ongelooflike vrug nie te koop is in ons plaaslike supermark. ‘n Bron van proteine Die Gemsbokkomkommer se grootse voedsel waarde le in sy pitte. Die eerste bevolkings in die Kalahari onder andere die...


The icon of the Kalahari / Die ikoon van die Kalahari

Described by the San people of the Kalahari as ‘The tree of Life’. There are many animals, birds and plants that can be considered unique to the Kalahari, but one that rises above all would be the Camel Thorn Tree. These trees are more than just magnificent, they play a very important role in the entire ecosystem and here is how! Magnificence Camel thorn trees can grow up to 56 feet in height and can age to anything from 250 to 300 years. To support this height and age, camel thorn tree’s roots can reach up to a depth of...