Category: Antelope


The Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park: Read this review if you are considering it

If you’re a south african looking for the next adventure or an international tourist browsing through South Africa’s large variety of attractions, consider the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park. This park is extremely special in a variety of ways. The park and its facilities are more primitive, but comfortable. The abundant game and birdlife are valuable in its complete wilderness. Just be sure you know what to do when coming face to face with the king of the jungle on your way to the loo. All roads lead to sand When traveling to the Kgalagadi, it would be best to plan a...


Have you ever wondered where, when and how giraffe?!

Giraffes have unique adaptations as opposed to their closest relatives, cows and okapis. With their long necks, giraffe hearts pump approximately two meters up to have blood reach their brains. In a giraffe’s body there are three great challenges to their anatomy:


Have you ever seen a baby giraffe this cute?

So what makes baby giraffes so cute? Is it the huge eyes? The elegant eyelashes? The way they move in slow motion even whilst being playful? All of the above. This picture was taken on my way home after a long day and the baby giraffe had me admiring him for quite some time. His playfulness, tiny spots and curiousness was something that seemed blessed only to me. On a previous expedition, I had the privilege of encountering two baby giraffe being quite close with each other. Baby giraffe usually stay with the herd. If they are male they will...


The top five antelope of the Kalahari Dessert

These antelope have roamed the dunes of the Kalahari for centuries and are adapted in various ways to survive drought and all of its challenges. Different species of antelope are popular for farms to have in the Kalahari as it provides an additional source of income and food. However, in various parts of the Kalahari rainfall is often only average and above every third year. The last seven to eight years have seen below average rainfall for large parts of the Northern Cape and North West provinces. During these drought stricken years, only the most hardy species survive which are...