Cumming Gasteplaas: ‘n voelkyker paradys! / A bird watcher’s paradise!

Hierdie gasteplaas is so teen die Botswana grens wanneer jy daar uitkom sal jy by jouself wonder of jy nie erens verby ‘n grenspos moes ry nie!

Cumming Gasteplaas is against the Botswana border. So close actually when you reach it you’ll start to wonder whether you should have gone through a border post somewhere!

Cumming Gasteplaas het verskeie aantrekings, maar hul voelkyk geriewe is uit die boonste rakke! Daar is twee hydes waar mens lekker met jou koffie en kamera kan sit en voels kyk by ‘n dammetjie slegs 20 meter ver! Daar kom dikwels ander gaste behalwe voels ‘n draai maak, maar dit is nie te versmaai nie.

There are various attractions, but the bird watching commodities are top notch. With hydes that are as close as 20 meters from the watering hole you can sit back, relax with a coffee and a camera and shoot away! Sometimes other visitors come a’drinking, but any photographer wouldn’t mind.

Valke by Hyde se dammetjie / Falcon at the Hyde’s watering hole

Verder is daar ‘n voeldammetjie en voer bakkie by die chalets wat ook baie bedrywig raak gedurende die dag. Die kokke sal selfs kom klop indien die saad of water op is.

At the chalets there are ponds that the birds frequently visit. Some of these birds like the yellow thornbill will even come knocking in case the seeds or water have run out.

Katlagters by Chalets drinkplek / Southern Pied Babbler at Chalets drinking spot

Die staproetes wat beskikbaar is kry ‘n ou al die wild te sien, maar asook baie voels in hul nessies of valke wat hoog in kameeldoringbome sit en wag vir die volgende slagoffer.

For anyone who wants to watch birds on a walkabout there are various trails that lead through the farm. On these trails you’ll see more than just birds in their natural environment, but also other game.

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